• When stepping on or leaving the mat space, students bow. This is a martial arts tradition of showing respect.

  • Students should sit quietly in seiza (kneel on the mat) a few minutes before the start of class.

  • Students should assemble as soon as the last class ends in seiza (kneel on the mat) before the start of next class.

  • All students line up in seiza corresponding to rank. Highest ranked student will start the line on the right hand side facing the front of the room.

  • When the instructor comes onto the mat to lead the class, he/she will bow to O-Sensei and Shioda Sensei’s pictures at the front of the room, showing respect for the founder of Aikido and the founder of Yoshinkan Aikido. The students then bow to the instructor – this formally opens the class.

  • We usually start with warmup and stretches for each class. If you have any questions about the warm up exercises or stretches please stand next to a black belt and follow accordingly.

  • Techniques are practiced with a partner. Your partner is not an opponent. Techniques are learned through him/her and with him/her.

  • Care should be taken to be aware of the ability and physicality of your partner so that no injuries occur.

  • It is proper to ask the instructor for permission for water or bathroom break during class, and for permission to leave early. It is proper to ask the instructor for permission to practice when arriving late for class.

  • At the end of class, the instructor and students bow to O-Sensei’s picture, then the students bow to the instructor.

  • When observing class, spectators should remain quiet out of respect for the instructor and practicing students.

  • DON’T – sit with your legs stretched out; wear rings, watches, or necklace; chew gum; or have long finger or toenails.



  • Hajime begin training

  • Hidari hanmi Kamae Left side kamae

  • Kamae Posture, often used interchangeably with hanmi. Formal ready-stance

  • Kiotsuke stand at attention

  • Migi Hanmi Kamae Right side kamae

  • Seiza Formal sitting posture (sitting on your ankles)

  • Sensei ni rei Bow with Sensei

  • Shintzen ni rei Bow to the Shintzen

  • Shite Uke Kotai Shite and uke reverse roles


  • Ai-hanmi When both practitioners assume the same stance, both right or both left

  • Gyaku-hanmi Kamae Both practitioners assume opposite stances, one right, the other left

  • Hiriki no yosei Elbow power. There are two movements (ichi & ni) both are Kihon Dosa.

  • Katate-mochi One-handed grab

  • Kihon-dosa Basic movements

  • Kihon waza Basic techniques

  • Koho kaiten ukemi Backwards roll

  • Koho ukemi Back break fall

  • Rei-ho Etiquette

  • Shite Person executing the technique or throw

  • Tai no henko Body change. There are two movements (ichi & ni) both are Kihon Dosa

  • Uke Person who is receiving the technique; the one who is thrown/pinned

  • Ukemi Falling/taking a fall

  • Zenpo kaiten ukemi Forward rolling break fall


  • Atemi Strike or blow

  • Hiji-shime Elbow lock

  • Ikkajo First control

  • Irimi-nage Entering throw

  • Kakari geiko Circle training

  • Katate-mochi One-handed grab

  • Kokyu-nage Breath throw

  • Kote-gaeshi Translates as “return the wrist”, a wrist joint lock

  • Maai Combination of distance and timing between persons

  • Mitori geiko Training through observation, commonly done when students are ill or injured

  • Mokuso silent/still+thoughts/thinking= silence your thoughts

  • Nikajo Second control

  • Ryote-mochi Grabbing both hands

  • Sankajo Third control

  • Shiho-nage Four-direction throw

  • Shikko-ho Knee-walking

  • Shomen-uchi Front strike

  • Shumatsu dosa Finishing movement. Two movements (ichi & ni). Both are Kihon Dosa

  • Sokumen-uchi Strike to the top of the head

  • Suri-ashi Sliding steps

  • Suwari-waza Seated techniques

  • Tachi-waza Standing techniques

  • Ushiro Kaiten Ukemi Backward roll

  • Yokomen-uchi Strike to the side of the head

  • Yonkajo Fourth control

  • Zanshin Alert and ready manner which is maintained after the completion of each technique

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